Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dig in our heels or go forward???

So Shep and I have some decisions to make regarding Miss Caroline. The teachers and therapists at her school have told us that they believe Caroline would be well suited for a machine called a DynoVox.
A DynoVox is basically a machine (like a big computer monitor) that can help kids communicate. Kids like Caroline, who can't talk or really express themselves (except for throwing a fit...which she can do with the best of them) can use this machine to speak for them.
It is a very intricate process, it will take a long time, and it costs thousands upon thousands of dollars. Now, Caroline could get this machine through Medicaid b/c she is special needs and we wouldn't have to pay.

This is where I am on it....."Lord, you have told us that you are going to heal her. I believe each passing day gets us closer to the day when tell her to get up and walk and eat and speak. So, do You want us to go forward a get something that she won't even need?"

It seems like such a waste!!

I am seriously praying about this and asking God for an answer...also b/c Caroline is getting so big we are going to be facing a transportation issue soon. Right now she rides in a car seat...but soon we would have to get a wheel chair lift for our van.
Again...here I am, "Lord, if you are going to heal her and we know you are....should we go through with something that seems so permanent.

Please pray for clarity and discernment, wisdom and peace for us. We want to do what God wants us to do....even if it doesn't make sense to anyone else. Her teachers and therapists want these devices for her, but we just don't think she will need them. Isn't that what faith is all about??


. said...

Andrea - for what it is worth...
My first thought is that providing these possibilities or options for Caroline does not take away from the fact that you are clinging to an incredible faith in her healing. It just means things will be easier for you and her until the Lord sees fit to show you his plan.
I think it is exciting to see new strides and plans for her development while still praying for that end result that you/we KNOW will happen!
I will pray for both of you as you make these decisions and figure out what is best...such a hard process to go through.

Craig said...

I would have to agree. God's promise to you isn't contingent upon anything you do or don't do. God promised Abraham that his decendants would be in number like the stars, but Abraham lost faith and slept with his maid when Sarah was getting old. God still kept his promise even though Abraham and Sarah lost faith. In my opinion, this decision you have would not show a lack of faith, but a necessity of where Caroline's life is currently.
I am praying for you and Shep in this tough decision.

Hannah said...

Andrea, first of all I would like to tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog. Your hope and faith is a real inspiration to me. I was wondering in response to your last post, when Caroline no longer needs all this equipment, is it possible to donate it to someone less fortuanate or is it custom suited to her needs? I just thought that that might make it seem like less of a waste if someone was able to get some use out of it. You work so hard to take care of your children that it seems like anything that could make your life easier would be a real blessing!