I am so sad I don't have a picture to share with you of this great moment but I will try to describe it so that you feel as though you were there.
I had just finished bath and shower time with the kids yesterday evening (Shep was finishing up mowing our dust bowl of a lawn due to no rain). I usually give Caroline a bath and Ava will take on the "mommy" role and help bath Zeke in the shower. They think shower play time is too much fun!
We began our usual time of applying lotion, pj's, and brushing hair. I was singing them a very soulful rendition of "Jesus Loves Me" when Caroline rolls over and props up on her little arms just like in the pictures I showed you blog before last.
I stopped mid-verse and began to praise her for trying so hard and as I clapped she began to get tickled.
The next thing I know Zeke (just 2 years old) plops down beside his "struggling to prop up" sister. He begins to mimic her position....then Ava (5 years old) followed her sweet brother's lead.
They are very accustomed to her disability. They really don't think about or ask about the why's and why not's of her handicap.
However, on this evening they forgot about all they could do and met their big sister down on her level. It was as if they were cheering her on with their posture.
They were laying beside her....propped up on their arms demonstrating with ease the same pose that requires maximum effort for her.
What was even sweeter was that they didn't notice that this was kind of "beneath them." I mean, after all, they can run and play but they just wanted to be with her.....do what she could do....and make her laugh like crazy.
As their mama, I soaked all of the sweetness possible out of it. I marveled at their simple kindness.
It was like God spoke to my heart and gripped it tight.
He said, "This is how you are to be, my child. You are to help others even when it feels beneath you. You are to strive to bring smiles to those around you who are struggling so. Don't you see that I do this for You? Even though I am God....I meet you right where you are. I roll around on the floor with you in the midst of your frailties. I encourage you to try hard and I show you examples in my Word of the right way to do things. My way is so simple that even children can lead you."
What a blessing this was for me....I hope for you as well!
God is so sweet! I am so grateful for the lessons He has and continues to teach us through our precious Caroline.
God is so kind! He loves us just the same even when we don't get it.
God so faithful! He continues to show us that the way up is down.
I loved that whole scene!! That is just what God showed you......how much He is a part of whatever we are doing......and I am so grateful, now, to know that HE is enjoying my "old" way of getting up and out of my chair(when it is in a reclining position) haha
love you ALL.
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