Friday, February 4, 2011

God's "Go To" Girl...

My hero of the Bible is Abraham.

He was pursued by God to leave his home and set off for course unknown.
He was expected to obey and trust God always over what he could see or feel.
He messed up some but overall he did prove trustworthy to God and his human eyes got to witness miracles and marvels given by God as blessing to him.

For the last 8 and a half years I have often gone back to study Abraham.

Funny.... now he seems like an old friend. The pages in my bible are worn and washed by pen color where I have studied and pondered his actions and how he might have felt at different times of trusting God.

I relate my story to his in many ways.

God has absolutely pursued us to believe Him for our daughter to be healed. Her healing will be the ultimate outcome but believing Him for it has set us on the journey of our lives. Each step has been and is one of trusting what we can't see...and certainly what we don't feel.

We have had laughter on mountaintops, dark times in valleys and we seem to be enduring an extended stay in the dry parched desert. But still...we are on pilgrimage with God. We haven't lost hope to what He has promised us and we know He will prove Himself faithful.

At our Thursday morning Bible study, we are doing the Beth Moore study of "The Patriarchs."

Lucky for me....we get to spend weeks with my hero Abraham.

I was struck again yesterday with many more reasons to respect and honor this Father of my faith.

We spent the entire lesson learning from his experience on Mt. Moriah. It was there that he obeyed God and laid his promised son down on an altar just because God tested him. Beth said something in the video that struck me in a fresh way. She said, "This story isn't about Abraham or Isaac. It is not about Abraham's obedience. It is about God. It is about God's provision."

It was like God just splashed cold water in my face.

My journey with Caroline isn't about my faith. How strong or big it is...


If it was about my faith then it would be about me. Life isn't about me. It is always about God...about bringing Him glory. journey with Caroline is ALL about God's provision.

The perspective changes drastically.

The shift goes from Him.

Praise God.

Carrying that load can get too heavy for these feeble shoulders.


In Genesis chapter 12 and 22 God asked Abraham to do really difficult things. He called him to "go to" ......

I desperately want to be a "go to" girl for God!

I know I won't like every task that is asked of me but I will be in some great company!


Beth Abell said...

Beautifully said, dear friend. I've thought about you a lot this week while doing this homework. I'm praying for you especially right now. Oh...and I LOVE the song you have playing on here. One of my favorites of all time :)

Anonymous said...

To get a cold splash of revelation is wonderful and comes only from the hands of God. Can't you see Him cupping those precious hands under the living water as it springs up from His fountain of life. I just love the words of Isaiah 12:3 - "with joy you will draw water from the wells of Salvation". When we draw from His Well of Faith, we can experience joy even in the desert of doubt. We are on the same team. Honored to be you mom.