Saturday, January 12, 2013

Pierced or Protected

God has been up to some pretty cool things around here.

I am not exactly privy to share the details just yet.....but some puzzle pieces that I couldn't seem to fit anywhere....are starting to come together.

Exciting stuff.

My devotion today got me to thinking about God's protective ways.

James 1:2-3 says, "Reckon it nothing but joy....whenever you find yourself hedged in by the various trials, be assured that the testing of your faith leads to the power of endurance."

This version uses the words "hedged in".

I decided to look up the word "hedge".  I felt like God had something to say so I followed that lead.

A few definitions for hedge are:  any barrier or boundary,  to enclose or separate, or to surround and confine.

Obviously I left out the one that describes hedges as bushes or shrubs.  Too easy.

Anyway most of us hear the words barrier, boundary, separation, and confine and automatically associate punishment.

Doesn't it remind you mommas of time-out?!?

My devotion referred to these hedges as protection....and even called them trials.

It just got me to thinking how much I have beaten my own self to a pulp by fighting the very hedges that were put up for my protection.  Usually they were protecting me from something bigger I couldn't see or even from myself....

There are friendships I desperately wanted....God put up a hedge.
There were plans that I had made....God put up a hedge.
There were places I wanted to go....God put up a hedge.
There were ideas that seemed right.....God put up a hedge.
Expectations were in place.....God put up a hedge.

Can I just tell you that AT THE TIME I hated the hedges?!?

I saw them as mean and unfair. 

Time has given me new eyes.

Those hedges that bound me, separated me, and confined me were divine time-outs from a God who is head-over-heels crazy about me.  I am pretty sure I have scars from trying to rip up a few of those hedges myself....but His power held stronger.

If things seem halted.  If you have been jilted.  If fair seems far off.  God may have a protective hedge around your sweet little self that you even hate at the moment.



And wait some more.

Pray it through.

What did the end of that verse say?  "Be assured that the testing of your faith leads to the power of endurance."

Endurance is a powerful thing.  It is a gift that only comes through God closing you in sometimes.

I have been there. 

I will most likely be there again.

But today....I can see clearly some of my hedges for the blessings that they truly were. 

Friendships that would have hurt me....
Plans that were rooted in pride...
Places that I wanted to fit in for selfish reasons.....
Ideas that were not God's plan....
Expectations misplaced....

End result= PROTECTED!


Tess said...


Mandi said...

Ah, thank you for this post, Andrea! Glad some of your "hedges" seem behind you and have given you new eyes. This really did me good today!

Anonymous said...
