Monday, March 11, 2013

Setting the Stage

Anytime you read a good book, watch a great movie, or see a wonderful play it isn't the setting that makes the is the subject.

The plot (or the subject) hooks us.

The setting certainly enhances the subject.
The setting gives depth to the subject.
But the setting does little provides a backdrop for the plot to thicken and grow.

But without the subject...who would care to know the setting?!?

This past Sunday our lesson zoomed in on John the Baptist being a "witness" for Jesus.  He preached about the coming Messiah.  He lived the life of a prophet.  He was set the extent that he ate locusts and wore the skins of animals.  But he knew something I think God is trying to teach me.

His life just provided the setting for God to take center stage.

As believers we are to be "witnesses" for Jesus too.  Just like John the Baptist, (without the locusts and skins:) we are to tell others about the Messiah who will come again.  But, more than that, we are to provide a testimony to the work He is about doing in our lives right now.

Listen to this piece taken from our lesson, "John directs our attention to the value and significance of a witness.  Witnesses bear testimony to something.  It's important to remember the subject of our testimony.  Sometimes it is tempting to think that our story is the subject of our witness.  Instead, we are to be a witness to the true light- Jesus.  His story is more important than ours."

Unfortunately I think I have fallen prey to this temptation.  I have made MY story THE story.

I couldn't be further off the mark.

My life....with its failures, joys, questions, battles, fears, and faith only provide a setting for the One who should always take center stage. 

The subject of Jesus in the setting of my life should hook others for His glory!

Let's live to make Him famous!!!

John 1:6-9 There was a man named John
                 who was sent from God.
                 He came as a witness
                 to testify about the light,
                 so that all might believe through him.
                 He was not the light,
                 but he came to testify about the light.
                 The true light, who gives light to everyone,
                 was coming into the world.

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