Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Eyes to See

This blog post has been brewing in me for quite some time.

If you have read our story from the beginning then you know that my husband and I believe God has revealed to us that He intends to heal our oldest daughter Caroline.

She is eleven years old and we have maintained this belief for all of these years.

Ava and Zeke were born into this.  They know nothing else.

In some ways I feel sorry for them.  They are the kids with the crazy parents who believe God has told them He is going to do the impossible.

In other ways I envy them.  They have never known a day of life without hope. 

We speak often and openly in our home about faith.

Ava will frequently begin sentences with this phrase, "When God heals Caroline __________________". 

I am quite sure that many people in this world would strongly disagree with our stance on this issue.  Most folks probably feel like we waste days away hoping for something that may never happen.  Some may even think it is cruel to Ava and Zeke as if  we are raising their hopes for something futile.

But here is what I know.

~God tells me that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Heb. 13:8)
~God tells me that nothing is impossible with Him.  (Luke 18:27)
~Faith pleases God.  (Heb. 11:6)

These truths set the foundation for life in Jesus.  Shep and I must live like we really believe these truths...because we actually do.

It turns out that these truths will creep into the crevices of your kids.  Glory to God!

As I have believed for Caroline's healing for over 11 years I must admit that I am weary.  The enemy loves to attack my faith and wear me down.  However my hope remains sure.  I may grow tired, lose heart, and lose some battles but my faith is being refined into pure gold.

There was a time when I could envision what Caroline might look like completely healed.  I could picture her standing upright, tall and lean with gorgeous hair flowing and an infectious smile.

Now, to be completely honest, I can't.

Too many days have passed with her body limp in my arms or laid out on the floor.  I really cannot envision it. 

I can't picture what I once could.

So God in His great mercy and faithfulness provided a way for me to "see" Caroline healed and whole again.

Ava draws it.

Her little eyes can see it when my have grown dull.

The two drawings I included above came from her precious 8 year old hands.

She doesn't make a big deal of it but she will draw picture after picture of our family the way she sees Caroline.

She will then hang those pictures on the fridge and it gives me fresh eyes to see again.

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.  Hebrews 11:1 

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