Thursday, September 27, 2012


If a marriage falls apart.  It probably wasn't some huge thing that happened out of nowhere.

Most likely it was a lot of little things.

Little cuts.
Little disappointments.
Little issues.
After a while these little issues turn into BIG deals.

I use this marriage example because the parallel is so easy to see.

(Just for the marriage is great!  Not perfect but great!)

So...back to little things.

These little issues in our lives, if left unchecked, can choke out our joy and rob us of blessings.

We all have our little things.

Maybe it is jealousy.  Maybe you struggle with a critical spirit.  Maybe you have a grudge against someone.  Maybe you are an emotional eater.

There are numerous other examples but you get the gist.

These things don't keep you from living your life everyday.  But they do interfere with how your life is lived.

I have been struggling with something I considered "little" lately.  I have prayed about it and even felt nudged by the Lord to do something about it.  But I had successfully convinced myself that it wasn't a big deal.  It was just a little thing.

Well I don't know if you know it or not.  But God cares about everything in our lives.


He is a one-stop God.  We are His children and everything that we deal with catches His eye....especially when our lives are littered by our little issues.

Because He is faithful, He will speak to us and direct our path.

This week in bible study I was reminded of this truth in God's holy word.  Luke 16:10 says, "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much."

This verse can easily apply to our stewardship over material possessions.

However, this isn't exactly what God was saying to me.

He knew I was dealing with an irritating little issue.

My prideful attitude and unwillingness to deal was showing something much deeper.  I couldn't be trusted.  


If He (God) can't trust me to deal with small issues then how am I ever going to deal with bigger things?

As if water had been thrown into my hit me.

That is not how I want God to view me.

I trust Him so much.

I want Him to trust me.
I want Him to entrust things into my care.

So....I had to deal with my little issue.

As always, the peace of God's presence washed over me once I took the initial step of obedience.

It wasn't easy.  Dealing with stuff never is.

Let's be people that are willing to deal.  Let's not let the little things turn into BIG deals.

Let's be trusted.

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