Monday, April 29, 2013


God shows me pictures all the time.  Sometimes these pictures will happen in church, at work, sitting in my car, or in nature.

Just this past Saturday He let me see a young newly planted tree from a different perspective...I'll post on that later.

Sunday He showed me a picture by allowing me to take in a scene.  One that I was participating in myself, yet He allowed me to almost be removed and see it in slow motion.

Our choir was almost at the end of our morning worship set.  We were about to begin the chorus of "This Blood". (an amazing song...if you have never heard it)

The crowd knew the words because we had just sung this song on Easter.  But honestly this song begs to be done over and over again.  It is THAT good.

I was worshiping Jesus.  My hands were lifted high.  My voice was raised with passion and gratefulness.  I so wanted the congregation to join in and participate in their own way.

One by one they did.

The song was at the peak crescendo.  Words of power and inspiration poured out over all of us and His Spirit was more than heavy.

It was then that God stopped time (at least for me) and allowed me to take in the scene with new eyes.

I noticed that those who had stood first were also those who need Him so desperately.

Gail~ a widow
Nancy~ a recent widow
Amy~ suffered loss and has had to step out on faith numerous time to trust...and wait.
Tess~ a treasured friend with a redeemed past who drinks in God's Word on a daily basis lest she fall again.

and there were many more but these were the faces that God let me settle upon and really see the heart of their worship.

Their faces were turned upward.  Their hands were lifted.  Their faces lit by the One who was near and blessing their sacrifice of praise.

This is the pleasure of pain.

Pain purifies our worship.
Pain purges our pride.
Pain plants faith.
Pain pleads...

 The song ended with a holy hush permeating the entire place.

We had entered in and no one wanted it to end.

I had the full on ugly cry going.

The picture He had shown me of these precious saints adoring Him in the midst of their hurt was more than I could take in.

It was like He let me see them the same way He did.



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