Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sing Her to Jesus

This past year God completely blew me away by opening a door of opportunity in my life.

It began as a volunteer position at a local ministry in town.  In recent months this role was expanded and I was offered a very slim part-time job.

Most (not all) of my work involves helping women in crisis pregnancy.  These women need some type of support and we exist to offer that Jesus name.

I absolutely love it.

God has been so faithful to me.

He has graciously allowed my faith to grow while pushing the limits of my happy safe perimeters.

The lives I see are messy and broken.

Desperation is a way of life for most of these women.

I never want to grow accustomed to their pain.  I always want it to be fresh and real to me.

I believe it was that way to Jesus when His feet walked this earth.

Today He let me meet a young woman that He is passionately chasing.....even if she isn't aware of it.

Her story is much like the other women that find their way to me.

Poor choices that lead to bad consequences that turn into lifestyles and get the picture.

As she talked to me I began to get a picture of who she really was inside.

She came to know Jesus at a young age but years of rebellion and anger have taken their toll.

I could tell she knows what is right but that path seems way to hard to even attempt.  So she doesn't.

I prayed that God would open a door.  I needed some way to break through and find some common ground.

As she continued in her story I heard a little word that gave me a clue to reach her.  Music.

She loves to sing.

So do I.

I also know that Jesus placed that love within her heart....even if she doesn't know it.

The Holy Spirit answered my prayer and said, "Here is your way in.  Sing her to Me."

I asked her to sing for me.

She immediately seemed interested but shy.

I said, "I will sing for you if you will sing for me."

She agreed.

I sang her a few lines of one of my favorite songs.

She shyly went into an adjoining room (because she didn't want to sing in front of me) and began to sing.

It was beautiful.
I heard her heart.

It was like something pinned up inside began flowing out through a melody.

As I sat there with chill bumps and tears streaming down my face I realized....this is real ministry.

~Helping others to see their God given identity~

Her song was His gift.
Her voice was His masterpiece.

And I was granted a front row seat to watch all of it unfold.......

There is more to come with this story I just know it.  Pray that she will continue to open herself up to the One who has given her a song worth singing.

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