Monday, June 29, 2009

Back Again

What a ride!!!!

I can't really even begin to describe it.

It was as close to perfection as possible.

Weather? Perfect

Company? Perfect

Accommodations? Perfect

Atmosphere? Perfect

The View? Perfect

Food? Perfect back side isn't all that sore. Go figure?

Our trip was wonderful. My eyes will not soon forget the majesty and glory on display in the Smoky Mountains. I couldn't take enough of it in. I just wanted to keep staring at the colors, heights, textures, and depths. I wished I didn't have to blink because I know I missed a few things. I took pictures but they will not come even close to showing all that we saw.

I praised and worshipped the Maker and Creator of all things. Believe was easy to do with all of that scenery. I felt like if I could have heard in the spiritual realm then I would have been blown away at the praise of those mountains, hills, and rivers. No doubt....they know their Maker.

Can you tell that I am not over it yet?

Truly....I wanted to witness a "rocks and hills crying out" moment.

Oh, the majesty of His creation. Can you even fathom what Heaven must be like???

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