Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Grace given. Grace received.

This morning I pulled out of the girl's school parking lot. I had just dropped them off and was headed to take Zeke to his destination. My mind was abuzz with assaults from my enemy.

He starts early.

Let me just say that we as believers are at war every single day. We may not choose to fight back but we will get attacked. At least, that is what my Bible tells me.

So here came my enemy....his taunts...his hopeless jeers...always about Caroline.

"You are so stupid to continue to believe any of this will actually happen."
"If God hasn't done this by now then you should just give up."
"He is gonna make a fool of you."
"Others laugh at you and think your faith is all in vain."

I just sat there. Listening to Zeke talk and listening to this voice that tries relentlessly to erode my hope.

As I drove I held the thoughts at bay but that was about it.

I didn't fight.
I didn't pray.
I didn't praise.
I didn't really even acknowledge but the thoughts lingered still.

I heard my cell phone chime to alert me that I had a text message.

It was from a really close friend of mine that lives out of my area. She and I don't get to see each other near enough for me. To hear from her is always a treat....but this time her message was not great.

Her family has been going through some rough trials over the past few years and she asked me to call her when I could talk.

My heart immediately ached for her and what I knew she must be feeling.

But I wasn't doing much better.

My mind was like a jumbled collage of messed-up thoughts and hopeless fragments. And here...my friend needed me.

I dropped Zeke off and knew I would have some "alone" time in the car.

I prayed and called on the Lord. I asked the Holy Spirit to speak through me and give me wise and discerning words. Words that would bring encouragement, hope and grace for her difficult day.

I dialed the number....trusting God to answer that prayer...because I had nothing.

She and I made small talk and caught each other up on our lives. She told me of all that was going on and how she was dealing with it.

I heard myself in her voice.
Her frailty...
Her fear...
Her insecurity...
Her weariness...
Her doubt...
Her anger....
Her passion....
Her desperation...

She doesn't have the same set of circumstances I have but we are still fighting the same battle.

To trust God or not?!?

As I began to speak to her words flowed out of my mouth that did NOT come from me. He was speaking. He was answering my prayer...and hers too.

The longer we talked the more grace began to grow....you could almost feel it.
Grace was being given and received.

I asked God to let me be a vessel though I knew I was empty.

He poured in and showered us both with grace and hope that brought joy to the tones of our voices. Yes! Her tone had changed and so had mine. Glory to God!

The change had been that big.

It was pretty neat.

He loves to surprise us like that. With Himself.

"The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him." 2 Chronicles 16:9

1 comment:

Tess said...

Amen! Every day miracles...love hearing & seeing Him show up!