The word is CONTRAST.
The scripture read like this, "Eli's sons were wicked men; they had no regard for the Lord...
By contrast, the boy Samuel continued to grow in stature and in favor with the Lord and with men." 1 Samuel 2:12, 26
Let me give you a few visuals of contrast.
These are pretty self explanatory.
But God has spoken this concept over me in a fresh way this week.
I am not sure there is a greater contrast in the life of a believer than ~love~.
Loving is easy when someone is lovable.
The world does that.
Loving is easy when everything is going your way.
The world does that.
Loving is easy as long as everyone agrees.
The world does that.
Loving is easy as long as things seem fair.
The world does that.
Now let's take this to the CONTRAST level.
Love when you are hated.
Love when you are misunderstood.
Love when you are rejected.
Love when you have been mistreated.
Love when you have been betrayed.
Love when you are angry.
Love when you have been exposed and abused.
Love hung on a cross. Naked. Exposed. Betrayed. Misunderstood. Rejected. Beaten.
He was the contrast to His culture.
We are called to be the same thing.
Distinguishably different. Marked by love. Not easy love. But hard love. Ugly. Honest. Sacrificial. Exposed. Unnoticed.
I want so badly to please Jesus with my life.
But this concept leaves me cold sometimes.
I don't mind God asking me to have faith and hope.
I understand that grace, mercy and forgiveness have to be given and received.
But love?
Love seems so personal. Love seems too valuable to just throw it out there on people who don't seem to want it or even appreciate it.
Love is precious. Reserved for those most dear to me.
Love awakens to me to care and see folks as God sees them.
So basically the most important trait to making a difference in this world for Jesus is the one trait I resist.
Not just resist.
I rebel from it.
It infuriates me to love the people that I deem unworthy.
So I am actually not being a contrast at all.
I just keep doing the easy thing.
Loving those that are easy to love.
The conviction of God gently revealed this to me. I was so shamed at how I am more like the world than I want to admit. I can boast about faith in God all day long. I can talk about ministering to people on mission trips and through my volunteering...but when love for difficult people is absent.....I am just like every one else.
O God help me be distinguishably different. A stand out for your cause. Love brought you to this world. Love took you to the cross. Love raised you from the dead. Love is the basis for all you do. Make me like you Lord. Change my heart.
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