Wednesday, October 29, 2008

One great dream

For those of you who are new to my life...get ready this is just a normal thing. My mom called me this morning to tell me about a dream she had last night about our sweet Caroline. She was very excited and after hearing the dream, I understood why. (Just a side note-dreams have become a normal part of God's encouragement to us. We can't begin to count the number of people who have dreamed of Caroline being healed. way!!)

Back to the dream...

My parents were in a bedroom sitting on a king size bed with their grandchildren. Mom looks up and sees Caroline lying in the top left corner of the bed near the head board. Caroline sleeps on her tummy so this position is natural to her. Anyway, Caroline swings her feet off of the side of the bed and begins to slide down toward the floor. Mom begins panicking and yelling for someone to catch her but no one does. Caroline's feet touch the floor and she steadies herself and pushes up straight. She begins to walk in a wobbly way around the bed and toward the door of the room. With each step her walking is she gets to the doorway she turns around to face my parents and her cousins. She is grinning from ear to ear and seems so happy. She says "I love you" in sign language with her hand. Then in a very soft almost mom hears her say "I am healed". There is much excitement and then again Caroline repeats in a louder tone...."I am healed".

After my mom woke up and oriented herself, she got out her dream interpretation book. She found some pretty interesting connections....bed is symbolic of a place of rest; doorway is symbolic of the future.

I absolutely believe that our God wants to astound us...amaze us...and leave us in awe at His mercy, goodness, grace, love, and power. He is unchanging and I think He still speaks in dreams. Does this encourage me to keep believing?? Yes!! Does this inspire hope?? Yes!!

Praise you for Father for your extraordinary ways of reaching out to your children...You are so good.


Mande said...

As chills cover my body, I am so thankful you shared this today. You and your family are such a blessing to us. We love you all and owe so much of our current happiness to sweet Caroline. She began my precious hubby toward a quest to really know his Heavenly Father and, in return, has become an awesome husband and daddy. I cannot wait for the day we can all shout "HEALED!!!!"

Tess said...

Man, You know I love the dreams!! I'm still speechless over it. All I can say is HE is SO GOOD!