Thursday, September 13, 2012

Her own step of faith

Here we are.  The estrogen part of my brood.  My girls and me getting some snuggles on the beach.  This was taken on our trip this past June.  I love it.

I wanted to include a photo because I want you to remember these faces when I tell you about my 7 year old's big step of faith.

Of course, the biggest step of faith was when she asked Jesus to forgive her sins and come live in her heart.  That was last year but I am getting to see glimpses of His work being played out in her little life already.  One instance occurred yesterday and I couldn't wait to share.

I wear a blue cord on my right wrist most of the time.  I got the idea from Beth Moore's bible study "Believing God".  During the study she encouraged us to wear a blue ribbon tied around our right wrist as a physical reminder that we are to believe God.  Not just believe in Him...but to actually believe Him about something specific. 

Beth's concept was taken from Numbers 15:37-41. 

 I am not currently doing this study.  But this exercise made a lasting impression on me and I have chosen to continue to wear my blue cord.  After all, I am believing God to heal my daughter and I could use all the encouragement I can get.  Even if it comes from looking down at my own wrist. 

To be honest this blue cord has just become part of my daily wardrobe.  It stays on all the time.  I never take it off.  When it finally wears out I just replace it with a new piece of cord. 

About a year ago Ave took some moderate interest in the blue cord.  She asked me why I wore it all the time.  I explained to her that it helps to remind me (and others) that I am believing God for something.  In my case, I am believing God to heal her sister.

She never said anything else about it.  My explanation seemed to quiet her interest and so I thought the subject was dropped.

Until yesterday....she found my roll of blue cord.

She came into my room and asked if she could cut a piece and wear one too. 

I explained to her again that it had a special meaning and that it wasn't just something to do for fun.

She said, "Momma, I know it means that we are believing God to heal Caroline." 

Well, what could I say to that?!?

She has watched and listened to me talk about my faith for a long time.  I reckon it is time for her to get her feet wet too.

It was a tender moment as I cut the cord to her length and tied it around her sweet 7 year old wrist.  Her face was beaming.  She was totally owning this event. 

As her mother I was beyond proud. 

I pray that this trend continues in her little life. 

Big faith is never a bad thing.

When I finished tying the cord on her wrist she immediately ran over to Caroline's wheelchair and showed her the blue cord.  It was her little declaration.  She was saying..."Look Caroline, I believe and I don't care who knows about it!"

The entire encounter left me so humbled and entirely happy.  What a gift!  Her own little step of faith pushed me along in my own journey.  Amen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a little girl!! My darling granddaughter who is the carbon copy of her mommy. Blessings were given to you today... a memory of great worth.
