Saturday, July 6, 2013

Tapping Our Toes to Another's Tune

Shep and I just returned from a two night getaway.

It was a wonderful Christmas gift from Shep's parents, two nights in a bed and breakfast out of state.

This was our first stay at a bed and breakfast.

This particular one was incredibly welcoming and cozy. Charm oozed from every crevice.  The decor was pretty and not over the top.  The other visiting guests were easy going and kind.  The food was marvelous.  Needless to say....I am now a fan.

We did what any other parents do when they are away from the children: whatever we wanted.

We toured some historical sites.  We enjoyed the 4th of July festivities in downtown Nashville.  We ate yummy foods from several inviting and out-of-our-norm restaurants.  We shopped a little.  We walked a lot.  We laughed and sang familiar songs in the car because Shep and I like to do those things.

I rediscovered what I already know about my husband.  He is THE ONE for me.  He is so interesting.  He is so funny.  We enjoyed some easy silence.  We finished each other's inside jokes from years gone by.....

Last night we happened upon a really cool event.  We were handed free tickets to the 129th Tennessee National Army Band concert.  The venue was set inside the old downtown Franklin Theatre. We arrived late so we got seats right down front at tables.  It didn't bother us one bit.

The show was fantastic.

The group of men and women played their hearts out.  We enjoyed an hour and a half of gospel, swing, patriotic, and country music at full blast.  Each musical instrument was accounted for and well played.

One thing stuck out to me.  I noticed that although each section loved playing their own instrument, they equally enjoyed the sounds from their peers instruments as well.  For example: the guys playing clarinets would have a rest during a song and they would tap their toes, clap their hands and grin from ear to ear watching others perform while they rested. 

God spoke to me.

We compare our gifts, talents, standing, everyone around us. I especially thought of people I love so much in my church.

If we lived this same way we would be like a beautiful symphony.  Instead our comparisons look and sound like musical chaos.

We don't enjoy or even appreciate the gifts and talents of others.  We certainly don't tap our toes to the beauty of their tune.  We usually just bow up and cross our arms out of jealousy or insecurity.

What a pity.  For me.  For you.

God created us uniquely particular.  Why would we want to dull or drown the marvelous creativity of His imprint on our lives?

Different and undivided should be our goal.

I pray that I will press on in this area of my life.  I give in to the pressure of comparing all the time.  But God is teaching me ways to change this behavior.  I try to talk to Him about the insecurities that rise to the surface of my heart.  I confess my jealous and weakness in these areas...then I thank God for what I see in others that comes naturally to them and not for me.

It helps me to become a fan of those around me instead of fanatical about my insecurities.

Try it sometime.

Stop and enjoy another person's tune.  Marvel at a gifting that comes naturally to someone else.  Praise them for it...then praise God for His creativity.  It will begin to change you in the core of who you are.

"There are different kinds of gifts but the same Spirit.  There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.  There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men. 
vs 4-6

Now the body is not made up of one part but of many.....vs 14

...there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other.  If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.  Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is part of it." vs 25b-27
~1 Corinthians: 12  

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