Tuesday, July 30, 2013

There and Back Again

Last week's mission trip seems lost in a vacuum of this week's madness.

But it was real.  It happened.  I lived it.

Lives were changed.

The people of St. Vincent island were most gracious to us.  We interrupted their schedules and they responded with kindness and gratitude.

Our team arrived on the island with the intent purpose of doing vacation bible schools at the assigned churches. 

There were 5 churches assigned to our group of 10 women.

We had to divide and conquer and trust God to do the rest.

I was blown away at the passion and commitment of these women.  It was a mighty display of God's power through broken and messy lives that simply love Him.

Any one of us would tell you that we have plenty of issues.  But there~on that island~ we had one purpose.


We did just that.

We did it in our own styles and unique ways.

Some did it with free-flowing tears..
Some did it with organized thought and preparation...
Some did it with huge hearts of love....
Some did it with wild abandon and creativity....

But each one did it as unto their God.

I am still blown away.

There was no competition or jealousy.  We just cheered each other on because we are truly all on the same team.

I saw miracles. 

We had supplies that should have been used up....last for a long time.
We somehow got our luggage...when our flight was delayed for 12 hours.
Lives that struggle in the shadow of insecurity blossomed in the light of God's purpose.
Boldness was born in the sharing of our faith.
Testimonies once hidden became megaphones of God's grace.

My heart just gushes at the thought.

This trip was such a blessing for us.  We met so many new faces.  We renewed bonds from previous trips. 
We gained a new family in those who cared for us, fed us, and guided our paths in an unfamiliar place.

Yes...we went to share the love of Jesus.
But the love of Jesus burned in us in a new way.  It took us going 2500 miles and across the ocean to comprehend it but....it was worth every moment!!

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