Tuesday, August 13, 2013

We asked. God answered.

Three ladies gathered in a prayer huddle this morning.

We (workers and volunteers) try to begin each day at the Pregnancy Center this way.  We want to ask God to prepare us for each client who will enter through the door.  We ask God to help us love others through us as only He can.  We ask for wisdom, discernment, patience, and understanding.  We ask that our words be seasoned with love and kindness.  We ask for grace and mercy to flow freely.

This morning I added an additional request. 

(Our center boasts "an earn while you learn" type program.  Expectant or new moms take classes to earn points.  These points add up and help them purchase diapers, wipes, formula, and donated clothes for their babies up to 3 years of age.)

We have been low on diapers, formula and wipes all summer long. 

This morning as we approached God in our huddle of 3 I asked that He would open the floodgates of Heaven and provide our center with what was needed, especially diapers and wipes.  I even asked for specific sizes of diapers.  Sizes 4, 5, and 6 are always in high demand.  We said "Amen" and set about the business of the day. 

After a busy blur of a morning I finally sat down to eat lunch.  I had dealt with a particularly hard situation and was reflecting over what I said or should've said.  You know the drill.  I ended up just asking God to bless this sweet client again and left it there. 

We had a bit of a lull as the lunch hour passed. It was kind of a blessing for me to be honest.  My head ( and heart) were still reeling from my morning situation.  I busied myself with house cleaning issues, happy to have something less emotional to deal with at the moment. 

What happened next was a miracle wrapped in an ordinary moment with ordinary people.  The miracle was that God answered our prayer.

In walked a sweet volunteer with a huge grin on her face.  She said, "You are never gonna guess what is in my car!"

She didn't even wait to let us guess. 

She said, "My pastor gave the center $500.00 from our church.  I took the money and bought wipes and diapers sizes 4, 5, and 6."  (Did you catch that sweet detail?)

We all just began to squeal.

This might as well have been the lottery for us.  We felt so incredibly rich at that moment.

God immediately took me back to the huddle of 3 and our early prayer for the day.

We asked.  We asked specifically.  God answered.

My faith swelled up like an inflating balloon. 

God is indeed so good.

I want to pause and praise Him for acts like this that can go by the wayside and be soon forgotten.

We can't allow the Enemy to steal moments like this.

They can make or break our faith...if we let them.

I choose to boast in the One who listens and answers.

Just like the fourth man walking around in the fiery furnace with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, our huddle of 3 was not alone this morning.  The fourth man was there...unseen...but there still.

He delighted in our faith.  He loves to be invited into the details.  

He opened the floodgates today.  13 boxes full of diapers and wipes were delivered in His time and in His way!

We asked.  God answered.

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