Thursday, February 17, 2011

Can I cry too??

Just when you think that you have won the battle and sickness is banished from your home...think again.

My darling little man started running a fever Monday evening. He didn't want to eat anything, seemed lethargic and whiny.

Not wanting to experience the flu again, we took him to the doctor to thankfully hear that he just has a virus. It will pass.

Last night my plan was to take the girls to Shep so that he could take them to AWANAs at church and teach his class. Zeke and I were gonna stay home so as NOT to infect other little ones at church. My plan was obliterated when I got the girls from school and took one look into Ava's weak little green eyes. I knew. She did not feel well.

Got home and got unloaded to discover that I was right. She now had a fever as well.

So~church was out of the question.

I called Shep to let him know of our plan change. I am sure I vented my frustration. I hate it when my kids are sick and it seems that they have had their fair share this winter season.

At one point in the evening all three of them were crying...

Zeke was just very whiny and every little thing threw him for a loop so he was crying easily.
Ava felt bad and wanted to just be right under my arm for comfort.
Caroline was jealous of the other two getting attention and so because her feelings were hurt she was crying too.

I looked from Zeke to Ava to Caroline all crying and wanted to run out of the house...just to get some momentary momma relief.

I mean couldn't I just cry too????

Anyway, we made it through the evening without much of a hitch.

I kept Ava home from school today just to be on the safe side. She just gave me a huge delight by coming up and reading to me out of her little Bible. It was awesome! She really is reading. She has to be helped to sound out the really hard words but other than that she is on her way.

Life halted is not fun for this type A personality girl. I like for things to stay on schedule. I thrive off of order. However life offers endless opportunities to learn to operate and function during times that have us rattled and off our course.

I end with my latest scripture memory verse.

"Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior and my hope is in you all day long." Psalm 25:5

If I could pray this verse to go along with my day it would go something like this....

Father please guide me today. I need You to teach me how to get through these days when life takes alternate courses....not just to get through them but to be joyful and steady in the midst of them. I want to be more than a conqueror through you Lord. You are my Savior and I hope in You all this day long.

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