Friday, March 30, 2012

The Temptation

Spring Break is upon us.

Kids get out of school for the next week. Warmer weather has breezed in making me wonder how I was freezing in February just one month ago.

That memory has faded as I slip on my flip-flops, short sleeves and shorts these days.

We have had an unusually mild March here in Georgia.

Winter didn't slowly fade out like it usually does. March is usually our transitional month...a few cold days, a few cool days, a few rainy days, and then ending with some warmer days.

Not this year.

It has felt like full-on summer just about the whole month of March. (I have even seen pictures of people swimming in their pools)

So much for people like me who like some transition time, huh?!?

I do have a point for this blog....

As many of us enjoy some "down" time let's not give in to the temptation to forgo our alone time with God.

The enemy doesn't take a Spring break...even if you do.

As a matter of fact he would love nothing more than to come into your idle time and wreak some serious havoc in your mind.

I am saying all of this to ME.

Prayer and bible study aren't things we should ever put off just to enjoy some down time.

I am praying that God will use some of this down time to talk to me even more. Maybe with a less hectic schedule...I will be more apt to be quiet and really listen.

So.....I exhort you in Jesus name. Don't get lazy on your Spring break.

Rest. Yes.

Certainly get some rest. But stay in the Word. Use more of your down time to pray and talk to the One who deserves more of you than you ever give Him.

I believe He will bless us.

Ps. 116:7 "Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the LORD has been good to you."

Indeed He has...

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