Monday, February 1, 2010

Pretty is as pretty does...

Ava and I went to a little friend's birthday party. It was a lot of fun and she enjoyed herself immensely, other than wanting every gift the little girl got. (surely that is an age thing)
The party's theme allowed the girls to dress up in their fancy dresses. Ava had picked her dress out and she even wanted me to put her hair up in a bun, with a tiara completing her look.
After we had been there a while, she came toward me with a sad face and plopped down into my lap. When I asked her what was wrong, she whispered.."I don't look as pretty as________."
Oh my Lord, are you kidding me?
Are we already dealing with insecurity at 4 years old?
I had not been prepared for that one. I tried to re-group and think quickly to give her a response.
I told her that every girl in the room was beautiful. I explained to her that none of them even compared to her in my eyes because she is mine. I will always think she is beautiful.
I pray I will live out the old adage that says, "pretty is as pretty does."
Right now, Ava can really only comprehend outward beauty. I try to take opportunities to point out kindness, gentleness, obedience, sharing, integrity, and patience are also characteristics of beauty.
She doesn't get it, yet. It is my job to show her through my life..
how I handle things...
do I forgive easily...
am I giving...
am I patience...kind...gentle...truthful.
These are traits that I want her to say are true about me. They will make me beautiful once the hair color and smooth skin have been replaced by wrinkles and gray.
True beauty lasts.....
This scares me to death and it should. Lord, help me in this. You know better than anyone how selfish and mean I can be in my flesh. I hate those things about me. I ask you for the power of the Holy Spirit to show me those places that need Your attention. Make me beautiful in the truest sense of the word. Give my daughters a picture through me....

1 comment:

Steph said...

Your girls have a great role model on how to be Women of God!!!

Love you,