Monday, February 22, 2010


The verse that God has continually brought to me over and over is this...

2 Chronicles 7:14
"If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their WICKED ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

The Holy Spirit spoke this verse to me in my kitchen not to long ago.

It was confirmed again when my mom was given the same verse the same day.

Now I am even seeing it on church signs less than a mile from my home.

I hear you, Lord.

I am learning to be humble before Him. (literally taking the posture of going face down)
I am learning how to really pray. (this takes a lot of time for me)
I am learning to seek Him through His Word. (no easy task to search scripture)

But am I turning from my WICKED ways?
-jealousy( we like to blow it off but to God it is sin and it is WICKED)
-pride (we don't want to lose face but to God it is sin and therefore WICKED)
-unbelief (we act like we believe God but when push comes to shove we don't and that is WICKED)
-vanity (wanting to look a certain way and thinking about it too much....WICKED)

We somehow reserve the term WICKED for the biggies like murder, abuse, rape, and theft.

I have to remind myself that sin is sin. Sin is wickedness even if it is glossed over by my lip gloss and cute shoes.

Truthfully, I don't want to turn from my wicked ways...and most other beleivers I know have a hard time with it too. Pursuing godliness calls us higher, it feels a lot harder, and points out our sin. It requires some time on our knees and studying (not just a devotional) of His Word.

It makes us different.

Especially from other believers. That may be more uncomfortable to me than being different from the world. We look at those seriously pursuing God like they have some type of disease. We make them the outcasts instead of encouraging them and wanting what they have.


The gumption to do right. To say yes to God and no the this world.

Lord I am eat up with wickedness. I can cover it with the best of them but You and I both know it is there. It brews under the surface at a low simmer. I am judgemental, arrogant, selfish, jealous, self-righteous, and full of doubt. Give me gumption to see my own wickedness and call it what it is. Help me not to make excuses for myself or my sin. Help me not to compare myself to others but to see You as my standard. I don't have a clue where to study in Your Word so I am just reading whatever I land on. Guide me. Speak to me. Help me pray more and claim the power that You died to give me. I accept Your grace and mercy and again I say thank you for saving me.

I started out with the verse from 2 Chronicles and I have camped out on our obligation to God....the good news is what He says He will do once we have done our part....

"then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land."

I want to take Him up on that offer.


Jenny said...

Great post, thanks for sharing. I'm studying Psalm 1 out and when it says, "do not walk in the counsel of the wicked", I have really had to ponder that!

Anonymous said...

Keep walking and being real.

In these last days may it encourage others to do the same.

Oh dear sister in Christ,I know how hard it is, the good news is when we chose to walk the walk, God promises It will be worth our wild.

What a blessing to read your blog today.

God bless

Anne said...

What a powerful message that hits me square between the eyes. You seem to have the gift of getting right to the point and hitting where it hurts. Thank you for sharing your gift.

Anonymous said...
John Piper
Would you please make the time to Watch for God so loved the World part two.