Saturday, October 30, 2010

Making me new

This past Thursday was our last session in the Beth Moore study on Revelation.

It was a wild, confusing, mind-blowing, colorful, awe-inspiring, creative, and scary ride....11 weeks worth!

For anyone to invade the Word of God is hard in and of itself but to try to dig deep into the book of Revelation is almost crazy.

But we did it. And I think the 20 or so of us are better for having done it.

In the last video session she talked about so many things that come to a wonderful summation in this final book of the Bible but the thing that I loved most was the fact that God makes all things new.

He doesn't set out to make new things. He wants to take the old, weak, weary, torn, broken, insecure and useless things and make them into marvelous, new, vibrant, strong, tenacious, beautiful, and useful things.

Has He done this for you?

Well, let me testify.....

I have always struggled with Caroline's disablity. But I struggle even more when she is spot-lighted in some way.

This would usually present itself at church or school functions when she would be on stage with all of the other "normal" kids. Usually it would be an awards type ceremony or with a kid's choir singing.

I would simply break down. I would cry. I would dread it. I would be angry. I would get depressed. I would be jealous of the other parents who didn't even appreciate the fact that their kids could sing or stand there without drool running down their faces or not being able to hold their head up.

Suffice it to say...I was a mess. I simply couldn't handle it.

Well, God had made this girl new.

Last Sunday Caroline joined the other children on stage to sing a song with our adult choir. I knelt beside her through both services and sang along. I watched her try to do the hand motions and had to help her hold her head up and wipe her mouth.

But, glory to God, it didn't bother me at all.

In fact, I loved every moment of it!

She was perfect to me....and instead of wanting to make it all go away...I relished in it. I watched her and took it in.

I didn't realize how new this was for me until later when God literally whispered to me..."Wasn't that fun?"

You was!

I have spent 8 years dealing with my pain over all of this....
8 years of dreading those stage-type moments....
8 years of not wanting to deal with this reality...

and in these 8 years God has made me new.

Glory to Him!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, how wonderful!!!! I would have been there, standing, for the whole song. Praise the Lord for what He is doing in your life, Andrea.......God knows when He has a jewel.