Friday, October 1, 2010

My Ava

My middle girl...
I wanted to devote this entire blog post to the miniature version of myself.
She is tender, smart, spunky, giving, inquisitive, kind, playful, and down right addictive.
She is such a pleaser.
As her mom, I love it. But, I pray against her always feeling like she has to please everyone else. That kind of thinking could turn her into a follower of the latest fad or the wrong kind of people.
Right now, I pray that God takes her little heart and molds it into a young lady who is passionate about Him! I want for her to be an amazing mixture of kindness and strength.
I am so proud of her. She was the first one in her class to be nominated as star student. It was such a BIG DEAL to her. She got to sit on stage at lunch and her daddy showed up with a rose, a balloon and a lollipop for his sweet girl.
She has us a wrapped up. She is younger than Caroline but in so many ways she pulls up the slack for her and almost acts as her big sister. She looks after her, sings to her, plays with her, and prays daily for the day to come when they can play dress up together.
Shep and I stare in wonder at her maturity. She gets things....she is extremely perceptive.
Yesterday was a huge first step at our house because she read us a herself. She needed a little help at first sounding out the words but then she just got it and took off. She was so proud of herself. The look of satisfaction settling in was so cool for me to see.
She had done it. She got to revel in a job well done. She got to appreciate how that feels.
God grant us the wisdom and grace to parent in Your way...not our own. Help us show our children that faith in You is far greater than favor with others. Let them see us resting in Your care and turning to You first for help. Be the center of our lives so that You are the subject of our days and not just reserved for church. Be blessed in our lives that You may receive all glory! Amen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Andrea was the baby in the family like Zeke and I (Memommy only to Ava) was the middle child in my family. It's hard to be in that position but it has it's purpose along with the others. The firstborn is parenting bootcamp. The middle child is teacher and tester of stamina. And the baby finetunes their patience so the first and second live through their teenage years. is good! Been there and loved it. Mom