Friday, October 15, 2010

Painful Reminders

This week has been pretty intense at times.

As you saw in my previous post, we had an eventful afternoon on Monday with Caroline's accident.

In addition to dealing with all of that....

My extended family has also had a hard hit this past week. I don't want to disclose all details of the situation but needless to say, it has been heartbreaking. People hurting, lives changed, confused minds and emotions that are raw and consuming at times.

I have pondered the events of the week and talked to my God about all of it.

How I feel...
The what if's...
How to respond...

He gave me an interesting reply.

(The Lord) "I allow pain to bring attention to areas that need exposing. Maybe I allowed Caroline to be mildly injured so that MORE people would be reminded to pray for her. Maybe it takes seeing pain (blood, bruises, and scrapes) to wake people out of their slumber to cry out to Me for help on some one's behalf. "

(Me) "What about this other situation. There is so much damage. There is so much at stake. What if the right choices aren't made? There will be so much hurt and confusion."

(The Lord) " Maybe I am also allowing this other terrible situation to expose truths that no one else will bring to the surface.
Aren't you praying for these specific people harder than you ever have?"

(Me) "Yes"

(The Lord) "Then know that all of this pain can be used for good. All of this heartache can potentially bring joy. All of this hurt and havoc can be restored. Keep praying. Keep pressing. I will use pain to remind others that I want them to ask Me for help."

(ME) I don't like it...any of it. It seems so unnecessary.

(The Lord) Me neither. But I would rather allow pain and hurt for a while to accomplish a better purpose. It is for your good and My Glory.

(Me) I get it. I just still don't like it....but I will praise You in spite of how I feel.

As far as Caroline is concerned, we still believe God is going to heal her. Maybe the enemy wanted Caroline dead and gone (which could have happened if she had rolled all the way down our hill in the front yard) but God stopped it and allowed her to be hurt...only mildly. Maybe He just wanted others to be painfully reminded to keep believing Him for her miraculous healing. And in the process, get some people talking to Him.

Seem a bit extreme?

That is my God. He goes to any extreme to get His kids and those who are without Him to learn of Him and seek Him out. He usually does the unexpected. He likes the element of surprise.

I am glad His ways are not my own. I am glad He knows all things. I am glad He seeks to help us even when we are stubborn and refuse to be helped. He constantly seeks and pursues us. He looks for ways to get us to stop, turn, and look up.

PAIN usually works.

Can I get a witness??


Tess said...

Oh can get a witness!!!! And a resounding AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up and keep it coming! There are no words...Love you.

Beth Abell said...

i can absolutely see exactly where God is using pain in our lives right now with Greg. I am crying out on his behalf and so are many others, but I don't know that he is. The pain won't pass until God's work is done in Greg. I just pray for the strength to hold on until God has his breakthrough with him.

Anonymous said...

We fall every day and he lifts us up. Trust and know that He is always there. He hears your prayers and holds you close. No matter how far we stray, he is there. Know that he has surrounded you with love and given you a strength that I can only imagine. In all that you face, He is worthy...Glorify Him Always.