Last week was Vacation Bible School at our church.
I always help lead the music and this year was no exception. Our theme was Big Apple Adventure from
Lifeway. The material was terrific and the music was so so good.
Jeff Slaughter writes the songs and he does such a great job of immersing the songs with actual scripture. So it makes it much easier to memorize that way.
My kids loved it but my girls are at the age that they are not only loving the fun of it but they are listening and absorbing the message as well.
This brings us to Jesus and salvation....
Ava has told us several times over the past 6-8 months that she has asked Jesus into her heart.
At the time, she was only five years old. But, I do NOT doubt the faith of my girl. We talk about Jesus often. We sing about Him. We read stories from His precious Word. We pray a lot. We talk about faith a lot. We are very active members of our church.
She is inundated with info about Him. But we want her to really understand that she was born a sinner and needs a Savior. We want her to realize that Jesus died to save her from her sins and she must admit her sin, believe in Jesus, and ask Him to be her Lord and live in her heart.
These conversations have been pretty frequent for a while. Ava is incredibly sensitive and mature for her age. She says that she has asked Jesus into her heart. So~we take her at her word. But, we have not moved forward with baptism.
That changed last week.
She wanted to talk about being baptized and what that means. As Shep discussed this with her, we noticed that Caroline became keenly interested in their conversation.
The more Shep and Ava talked about salvation the more Caroline tried to break into the conversation. She did this by kicking her legs, waving her arms, and making loud noises that she meant to be heard.
Knowing that she wanted to be included, Shep began to ask her the same questions.
"Caroline, do you want to talk about asking Jesus into your heart?"
"Do you know that you are a sinner?"
"Do you know that Jesus died to save you from your sins?"
She used her hand to sign "
yes" to these questions.
Her excitement kept building as if she wanted to speak so badly....she began laughing and kicking.
Finally Shep said,
"Caroline, are you trying to tell us that you have prayed and asked Jesus into your heart?"
She went crazy signing yes yes yes with her weak little left hand.
So there it was.
Both of our daughters were now our little sisters in Christ. Pretty cool. It was a surreal moment in our kitchen. Angels were rejoicing in glory. I was just in awe!
Can we just stop here and yell some hallelujahs??!!??
Ava thinks she is ready for baptism....Caroline isn't so sure she is ready to go under water just yet. Well see what the future holds. What I know for now is that my two little girls wanted to be sure of their salvation. They want to talk about it. They want to express their sureness of it. I pray this is a quality they always keep. I pray that they always desire to share their good news.
(A sweet friend at church heard about Caroline accepting Christ as her Lord. That night she dreamed about Caroline. She said that they were lying together on a gym mat. They were facing each other with their heads propped up on their hands. She said that Caroline was laughing and talking and telling her all about asking Jesus into her heart. A simple coincidence~I don't think so......)