Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I hear you, LORD

We really enjoy watching Animal Planet. It is a welcome change for Shep and I who grow weary of Noggin and Disney Channel. My kids love to watch the Untamed and Uncut show. I don't know what this says about them....but they like to watch animals in real live situations. It can be unsettling to see such raw behavior but then again God made lions, tigers, snakes and the like to be just what they are.

Last night we were watching this show and they were highlighting the behavior of big cats. I think it was even titled, "Cat-astrophes"--appropriate I promise.

One particular scene gripped me not because of the graphic footage but because of what God said to me through watching it.

A visitor on safari was filming an attack of 8 lions on 1 cape buffalo. It was a sad and pitiful sight. This cape buffalo was not with a herd and he was easy prey for the 8 young lions. They came at him one by one and took him down. The cape buffalo laid helpless for a long time while these lions ate his flesh and overtook him.

It looked as if all hope was lost. Chalk this up to a win for the lions. Almost 20 minutes had past since the attack had begun.

The cape buffalo then surprised everyone. Lying there being devoured by lions he made a distress call. He groaned out several times.

A herd of cape buffalo herd this call from a long way off and came running.

It was amazing!!

This herd charged and ran until they reached the lions devouring their own. They charged ahead anyway and ran off all 8 of the lions.

We were cheering and clapping but the goodness didn't stop there.

The herd then surrounded the fallen and badly hurt cape buffalo and began to lick its wounds. They did this for a long time and then stepped away.

After a few moments this big ol' beast got to his own feet and walked away with the herd.

It was truly an awesome sight.

What was even better was watching the perplexed lions come back to the same spot where the buffalo had been.....only to find their dinner had gotten up and walked away!

Shep and I just sat there and both realized the parallels of how the body of Christ should treat those who are lost and those who have fallen.

-Parallel 1- The buffalo had left the herd. (How many do I know who have lost their way?)

-Parallel 2- The lions surrounded the lone buffalo and took it down. (How many do I know who are held in the grasp of strongholds of sin?)

-Parallel 3- The buffalo made a distress call for help. (I know so many who are hurting but they must ask and receive help or they will be devoured.)

-Parallel 4- The herd listened and responded. (Do I look for those who are asking for my help?)

-Parallel 5- The herd then fights off the lions. (Would I be willing to fight for another who can't?)

-Parallel 6- The herd surrounded the hurt buffalo and licked its wounds. (Would I help with the healing process to those who are willing to receive it?)

-Parallel 7- The herd then waited for the buffalo to stand on its own. (Would I stand close and support without enabling or standing in judgement?)

I hear you, LORD! Good word!


Beth Abell said...

oh,this is right where i am at!!! I'm trying my best to be a part of the herd and not one who devours.

Anonymous said...

Yes....the scene is exactly what happens to us and others sometimes. We must run to them; fight for them; wash their wounds with our tears; watch over them; stay with them until they stand...and walk with them back to safety. Help us Father to live this.
Good word from you my darling daughter. Mom