Thursday, February 23, 2012

A jolt from James

We have just ended our 7 week study on the book of James in our Thursday morning bible study.

The teacher in me likes to revisit the entire subject matter upon bringing it to a close.

When we started this study I was excited but not for any specific reason. I am a bit dorky I admit. But I truly get excited to get into serious in-depth bible study. I realize this doesn't do it for many people. BUT...Jesus has used this very tool to change my heart and make me more like Him little by little.

So...I just get excited.

I like having a book to complete.
I like having homework to do.
I like the accountability.
I like the challenge.
I like meeting together with others
I love opening God's Word and meeting Him and hearing what He has to say to me.

James, as it would turn out, was a whole new ball game.

Not only did we study the book of James, but also the author. James was the brother of Jesus.
His perspective is fascinating. His message is provoking.

I had no idea that when we started we would be challenged to memorize the entire book of James.


You read that correctly.

The entire book. All 5 chapters. (this was entirely optional)

I am only 1/5 of the way there. But let me tell you...that is no small feat and it has never been done before by this curly-headed brunette. I am now 1 verse shy of having all of chapter 1 memorized.

Several other ladies opted to do it as well. It has been so encouraging to listen to them saying the Word using the versions they have chosen as well as putting their personalities and inflection into the divine words.

My goal is still all 5 chapters. I hope to report my success to you at some point in the future but for now I am pleased to be filling my mind with something lasting and good. It is amazing how His Word really is alive. I find that my thoughts mostly turn to Jesus at any given time. I credit that only to His Word being in me more often these days.

As a recap I just wanted to make a list of some of the jolting themes that James set before me over these last 7 weeks.

-Perseverance must finish it's work
-Ask God for wisdom
-Believe and don't doubt
-Don't just hear....DO
-Tame my tongue
-Care for orphans and widows
-Don't show favoritism
-Mercy triumphs over judgement
-Faith without deeds is dead
-Submit to God
-Resist the devil
-Pray for those who are sick and in trouble

This little list in no way encompasses all I have absorbed these past 7 weeks. But it helps to spit it out there. It looks as though I have my work cut out for me.

I realize that mastering these things is not really an option. But progressing in them definitely is.

Progress is big to me and I believe it thoroughly pleases God.

That is my goal.

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