Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Candid or Posed?

                                                        Candid- Caroline is literally lit up on a bike ride with her daddy
                                                       Candid-Ava passing the time...
                                                         Candid- Zeke resting after some serious play time...
                                                Candid-Ava enjoying a walk...
                                          Candid- Zeke and Ava getting tossed by the waves and loving every mouthful of it.

                                                  Candid- How Caroline's face looks when she spots someone she loves...

Posed-to assume a particular attitude or stance, especially with the hope of impressing others

Candid- open and sincere, free from reservation or disguise, un-posed, honest

When my children were little bitty I really preferred posed shots of their faces.  I wanted to see every thing about them up close.

Their little faces changed in such short spans of time that I didn't want to miss a single thing. 

Now.......my picture taking has taken a different path.

I want the candid stuff.

I want to see them in motion.  I want the expression that they didn't think I noticed.  I want them to just be who they are as if the camera weren't even present.

Posed pictures tend to be pretty. 

Candid shots show sweat, motion, attitude, and unspoken feelings.

(I love the one of Ava above where she isn't smiling.  Because I know her....I know that look.  She was kind of bored and passing the time by watching something.)

The candid shots tell the real story. 

I noticed a candid shot today of a friend's little girl as she practiced ballet for her recital.  It was so beautiful. 

I was drawn to the expression on her face as she danced.  It was unhindered.  She was totally absorbed in what she was doing and her mom happened to capture that.  

Then I thought about all of the hundreds of candid shots of my kids and my man and my friends and family....the photos that capture us mid-laugh, mid-cry, mid-mad, or mid-whatever.....those are the best.

God spoke so tenderly as I was wrapped up in my own thoughts and said these words, "My favorite pictures of you are the candid ones too.  Don't come to Me posed and pretty~ the way you think I want to see you.  Come to me candidly ~ unhindered, messy, broken, angry, upset, confused, in the midst of your real life."

This was so sweet.

I really felt His Father's heart toward me.

Just like I want to always see my kids being who they are....He wants to see His kids that way too.

Let's come candidly before His throne of mercy and receive grace that we may pose no more.

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