Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mothers ~the real thing~

 I let Mother's Day slip by without paying homage to the amazing mothers that surround me.  First and fore mama.  She is THE first lady of my life.  She has always been a voice of truth, discernment, and encouragement.  I am honored to call her one of my very best friends!  She has blazed the trail in front of me to love Jesus with all that I am. 
 Linda is a second mother to me and an additional grandmother to my children.  She is the most SELF-LESS woman I know.  She gives of herself and serves God with joy and gratitude.
 This sweet lady came through marriage.  She is my mother-in-law and my life is blessed by knowing her.  She is truly kind.  Her faith is strong and sure.  She is one of the most contented and joyous people I know.
 D is like a sister to me...a best friend for sure.  She is loyal, hospitable, humble, and considerate.  Her faith moves mountains.  Truthfully I can't list enough complimentary adjectives for this girl.  She is stunning!
 Brandi loves deep and wide...she is beyond dear to me.  She is a fierce protector and faithful friend.  God has used her many times to speak hope to my heavy heart.  I love to hear her pray...she usually begins with "Sweet Lord...."
 Tess is dynamite wrapped up in pretty package.  All who know her walk away wanting to know more about God.  She is THAT contagious!!  Passion and pursuit come to mind when I think of this sister of mine.  Our friendship flames faith in my life.
These three embody perseverance, kindness, and grace. We have serious history together.  They are three of my most cherished gifts.

I am immeasurably blessed.

These women live real life in front of me.

Their love for Jesus leaves me in awe at times.

They teach and challenge me as a mother.

I watch them win victories and face defeat.  I see them take strides of faith and wrestle with doubt.  I observe them guide with grace and discipline with love.

They are the real thing.


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