Friday, September 11, 2009

Pics from our paradise

This is a "hodge podge" selection of some pictures of us on our getaway vacation. Shep and I were alone for the first part of the trip and then we were joined by some of our best couple friends. (I will say that there was a couple missing that couldn't join us....and it wasn't the same without them there! Love you J Peeps and Lulu.)
On Saturday, my man and our couple friends left me and my 3 best childhood friends came and we stayed out the rest of Labor Day weekend enjoying each other's company without children or hubbies.
It was so much fun and soooooooo needed. I must admit though that without my children around my hands felt rather empty.

How fun is it just to hang out on the the beach everyday and just read and watch the watch roll in and out?
Seriously, I could do it every single day I think.

This was my view from my beach chair. How pretty, huh???
If creation is this extraordinary on earth....what must heaven be like???
My week back home in reality has been good too. It has done me some good to get back into my routine. God has really challenged me to "rest" even in the midst of shaking circumstances. I have found that the more I focus on how BIG my God is and just concentrate on Him and His lavish love for scary circumstances fade into the background.
Praise you Lord for all Your help this week. I couldn't do it without a matter of fact...I can't do anything without You. Gazing upon Your goodness has been my consolation this week. Pondering the many blessings you have given me fills my heart to overflowing. I love you. Help me love you more. Increase my faith. Help me to talk to everyone I meet about You and how You have changed my life. The miracle of changing me from the inside out is mind-boggling. Thank you for blowing me away with Your life-changing power!!

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