Two Saturdays ago (when I was gone to the Women's conference) Ava decided to ride her little bike.
It is almost too little for her.
(Maybe Santa will catch that hint for Christmas:)
But she literally picked up the bike, figured out the balancing thing for herself and the rest has been history.
We have spent a lot of time the past two weeks hanging out in our cul-de-sac. We live at the end of the neighborhood so we don't have a lot of traffic coming through. Ava can pedal away. Zeke tries to keep up with her on his little tricycle.
Caroline and I sit together and watch the show and the smiles.
Not liking to be outdone....Caroline and I sometimes race them in her chair. We win!!
But I just love the joy of the whole experience.
Being outside.
A fall breeze blowing in the trees.
Smiles plastered on dirty little faces.
She will whiz past me and yell...."Mom, this is so much fun!"
I remember.
There is just something about that freedom of pedaling yourself, propelling forward and going (within limits) where you want to go.
Are you surprised at all?!?
For anyone who didn't vote for me. Just think...that could have been your state representative.
Nope. Not surprised at all! And yes Shep, that could have been my State Rep!! Great memories for you all!!
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