Thursday, November 6, 2008

More words...

This morning I was loading the kids in the car. I have the same routine every morning...Ava first, Zeke second, and then I go get Caroline. As I was walking toward the van she said, "Caaa". I said, "Caroline, did you just say "car"? She began to grin so big as if she could not be more proud of herself. I thought I would try this talking thing again so tonight I was lying in the floor next to Caroline. Ava was entertaining us as usual and Zeke was happily playing in his exersaucer. I leaned over Caroline and began to say "Linda" to her, making sure that she could see how my mouth would move so she could mimic me. To my delight, she said it. It is not perfect...but because I am watching her closely I can see her mouth and hear it at the same time. Next, I thought I would tackle the word "Mama" or "mom". She immediately began to bring her lips together and make the "ma" sound. I was yelling and laughing and she could not contain her laughter as well. She seems to be so thrilled that we can understand is a dream come true. Thank you Lord for your wonder-working power!!


Anonymous said...


I have chills all over me from reading this! God is definitely knitting the broken pieces back together! I can't wait for more!

Leigh Anne

Craig said...

I can no longer read your blog without tissue!! If that means I loose my man card, so be it!! I could not be more thrilled for you and Shep and Caroline!!! Can't wait to see her Sunday!

Amy said...

What a miracle!! I know you have been waiting so long to hear her say "mama." Believing without seeing has been excruciating ... but now we're beginning to see (and hear!) What an encouragement for everyone!

Thanks for sharing your story,
Amy Barkley

laura said...

laura said...
Wow! Wait-a-go Caroline! I love you soo much! Keep it up! I'm prayin for you!

Love always,
Cousin Aunt Laura

Anonymous said...

Andrea..that is a HUGE answer to prayer! I can't wait to hear her say many, many more words!!! All my love and smiles, Dawn