Saturday, November 8, 2008

A word from my momma...

I called my mom early Wednesday morning to share a connection that the Lord had made for me. I always tell mom about the things that I believe God is saying to me. I had read the passage from my Bible study to her and then asked her to read what I had written in "Caroline's journey" so that she could see the connection as well. The Lord had connected what I had written in my blog about "Caroline's journey" (year 3 for those of you who are reading it from the beginning) to what I was studying in my Bible study for that day. The connection was about the story of Joshua and the walls of Jericho. The Lord has used this particular passage to speak to me, guide me, and encourage me on several occasions. One of these in particular, was when Shep and I stepped out in faith to get pregnant again. (read the beginning of the story for more on this)
This time was no different. He was simply using this passage to confirm what HE is already speaking to me about "being prepared" for what I am assuming is Caroline's healing.

Now that I have given this introduction I will let my mom take over...

(Nancy's story)
I went to Andrea's blog and read the "beginning" link of Caroline's story until the mention of the word "Jericho". Immediately the number 7 came to my mind. I knew that Joshua marched around the city of Jericho 7 times...once a day until the 7th day. Things began to come together in my mind regarding these last 7 years with Caroline. We have often referred to Caroline's healing as our "promised land" or our "Jericho". It occurred to me that we have been preparing and praying 7 years. We are in the 7th year of this journey with Caroline...marching around it so to speak. God commanded Joshua and the Israelites to act differently on the 7th day...they were to circle Jericho 7 times on the 7th day. I thought it was pretty interesting that God has challenged Andrea to write about these last 7 years right now. In a sense, we are doing the same thing. During this 7th year...Andrea is writing or circling all 7 years again by writing them down. Could it be that what we are living out is comparable to a modern-day Joshua and the walls of Jericho event?
As pieces came together, the connection of it all was suddenly overwhelmingly real. It wasn't a hope, a wish, a wonder, but a "yes" in my spirit. I had cried and wailed in the past 6 years many times like this from sorrow, sadness, and desperation for Caroline to be healed. The crying and wailing was the exact same this time except I was filled to overflowing with joy, amazement, and a deep sense of confirmation. I KNEW in my spirit. I was compelled to agree with the Holy Spirit's revelation that this was going to come to pass soon. The only words that I could form on my lips between tears and shouts of praise was "I know, I know"!
I no longer hope, I KNOW!!

It's back to me now...
I hope you all are encouraged by this fresh word. I have been ecstatic and overwhelmed. Since mom shared this with me, God has brought several events back to my mind where He has used people to speak the number 7 to me. Whenever these sweet people would say to me, "When I pray for Caroline I keep getting a sense of the number 7" I would get really angry. I didn't want to hear that. Our original prophecy from Melissa was that she would begin to do what others kids were doing around the age of 5 or so. I took the age of 5 and ran with it. I tried to hold God to a certain date. Could it be that He is revealing more of His plan to us...what will this year bring??

1 comment:

Tess said...

I Love it!!!!!!!!!! I get so pumped!!! Thank you for including us to be witnesses of all that God is doing!!! Man, He's SO GOOD, AMEN! Love you!