Saturday, March 5, 2011

Limping along...

I am over the half way mark of my second journey through the "Patriarchs" bible study.

It is even better the second time around and God has had plenty to say in spite of it being a re-run to me.

We have made it past Abraham and Isaac and we are settling in to enjoy some deeper study on Jacob.

As I think about these men I am amazed that God chose us.

They were so far from perfect.

They were plagued with the same kind of sins that I battle...they lied, cheated, stole, deceived, and tried to force God's hand yet He never wavered from His end of the bargain.

He had chosen them to be the beginning of His story and that was that. He had cut covenant and there was no turning back.

Amazing God.....amazing that He risks his reputation on people like us.

Anyway, I just finished studying Jacob and the night that he wrestled with God. I found an odd sense of peace as I read about a chosen man of God wrestling through the night with the One who created him, loved him, and pursued him.

Have you ever done it?

I have.
I do.

I fight the very One who makes me whole.
I fight for my way.
I fight His will for me at times...wanting to pick and choose what I think I can endure.

Well, Jacob wrestled with God and came out with a limp. God had purposely chosen to "touch the socket of Jacob's hip so that his hip was wrenched" (Gen. 32:25). The bible goes on to say that "he was limping because of his hip" (Gen. 32:31).

God's man.

..........................................................with a limp.

Beth makes a wonderful point so I will quote her, "sometimes God will wound his own child to make him walk differently....".

Has God allowed you to be wounded so that you will walk differently than those around you??

Has He let you endure pain so that you might grow in compassion?
Has He let you endure loss so that you might find contentment in Him?
Has He let you experience disappointment so that He came provide strength to overcome?
Has He let you walk for days, weeks, months, and years in the desert to show you that perseverance must be learned?
Has He wounded you with pride, unmet expectations, hurt, or doubt.

If He has allowed it, then rest in knowing He has a purpose.

Much can be gained through hardship.

I have my own limp.

I hate it sometimes.

But it makes the good in me rise to the surface.....and pride must surrender.

Therefore, my limp is the very evidence of His great love for me.

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