Thursday, January 8, 2009

Grace in Full-another poem

In the past couple of weeks I have heard tragic stories of families and their losses. Some of the stories have involved cancer, death of children, marital strife, and financial strain. We always wonder how people do it in those circumstances. We can't imagine dealing with all that they are dealing with...

God reminds me all the time that his grace fits the need. We may not have the grace right now but when the need arises the grace will be there too. The example in the Bible that fits so nicely is when the children of Israel have to go out and get 1 omer of manna every morning. For some of the Israelites the manna is a lot for some it is a little....funny, would still measure 1 omer. God is sweet like that........He gives to this one exactly what they need and to the other one exactly what they need.

He gave me another poem about this...(who knows why I am writing poems all of a sudden...)

It is called "Grace in Full"

We see others hurting
Our hearts are moved with pain
As lives are changed and torn apart
We begin to wonder again.
What if that was me?
What if my child had died?
Could I bear such pain?
Would I run, shut God away, and hide?
We see them lose their hair
As the chemo does its thing
Sapped of energy, color, and strength
Many questions they have to bring.
Divorce, death, disease, and depression
seem to come to those we love
We don't know what to say or how to feel
So we hit our knees and look above.
The TRUTH is grace is waiting-
the perfect amount for the need
no wonder we can't imagine
It isn't ours to heed
Grace is so amazing
It is what pulls us through
GRACE IN FULL is already appointed
ENOUGH for me and you.


Tess said...

OHHHH I LOVE it. Thank YOU JESUS FOR GRACE!! Enough for me too!!!

Deana said...

I'm impressed with your poems!

Craig said...

You have discovered another gift!! You write excellent poems.

Anne said...

Thank you for sharing your poems and life. They are an inspiration.