Thursday, April 2, 2009

A nice life

Shep and I have been enduring a whirlwind these past few weeks. Well, let me back way up....Shep's business depends heavily on the housing market. As you know, that market has seen better days and Shep's business has taken quite a hit.

We are facing the days ahead with some uncertainty. Can I just tell you...that is not comfortable at all??

So this brings me to some recent thoughts.

We assume the right of a nice little life.
We assume the right to be financially stable.
We assume the right to be healthy all the time.
We assume the right to have a life free of trouble and inconvenience.

Why? Because we belong to God......

Well, that doesn't cut it. God had some different standards.

He told us in His Word to simply follow Him. When I look through his Word at those who are my heroes in the faith....they didn't have "nice little lives".

Abraham-go to where I will lead you...sacrifice your only son
Noah-build a boat and be made fun of...even though you don't know what rain is
Moses- go before a Pharaoh and make demands for ME
Daniel- Will you go suffer a death eaten by lions? Will you interpret dreams that will upset the king?
Joseph-have your family try to kill sold as a wrong-fully accused and go to prison
David-stare in the face of a giant prepared to kill from a maniac king and live in caves
Ezekiel-declare my truth even though others will hate what you say and hate you for saying it
Jonah-live in the belly of a whale until you can obey me...
Esther-go before a kind to plead for your people although the penalty is surely death

Just a few...and we haven't tapped into the New Testament.

This idea of a "nice little life" is just that: a nice idea.

Our lives were meant for purpose and destiny.

I don't know of anyone that I respect or look up to just because they lived a "nice little life". Instead I want to imitate those who have stared difficulty in the face and overcome through the power of the Holy Spirit.

I want to cheer for those people. I want to see God bless them. I want to tell others about them and their stories.

Most Holy God...I want to do great things for the kingdom of God. Help me to trust You above all else. Make me blind and numb to the things of this world that pull for my attention. Fuel my faith and diminish my fear...


Tess said...

Yes!! This is good!! Amen, Amen and Amen!!! Along those same lines... I loved when Beth said on Day Four "As much as my flesh wants relief, I know that when all is said and done, I'd sit on that side of glory having much rather fulfilled my calling than served myself all the way to meaninglessness. I had to accept that I was not called to an EASY LIFE. I was called to a PURPOSEFUL LIFE."

Lord help us get past this idea of the easy life and choose a purpose filled life for your glory!! Good word sister. I love you.

Jacquelyn Ray said...

I love you. Thank you for opening my eyes to this. I hope neither of us has "a nice life"! HA!

Denise said...

You need to write a book, Andrea!