Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Change in Plans

Yesterday afternoon I was getting ready to start dinner when the phone rang. I could tell immediately that something wasn't right. Shep told me that his mom was in the hospital with a high fever and that she had been moved to ICU.

(Isn't it funny how a 1 minute phone conversation can alter the course of everything that was going on before that phone call??)

Dinner could wait...

My mode changed. I had to get the kids taken care of because Shep wanted me to go with him...and of course, I wanted to go.

My mindset changed. As I scurried around the house getting dressed and handling bedtime things for the kids, my mind stayed in constant prayer.

I marvel at the appointed grace that is waiting to be dispensed at the appropriate times.

Today is my sweet man's birthday. He started his day by getting up at five and going the hospital so he could be by his momma's side when visiting hours started at 6:00. I'm sure there have been times in Shep's life where he had many things on his birthday list....today nothing would please him more than for her to be better.

I will update soon how she is doing. We think she will be fine....she had a high fever and the doctors could not pinpoint the problem. She is stable and will hopefully be moved to a room today.

Happy Birthday Shep. I enjoy every day I have with you. Marriage continues to be a blast. You make me laugh like no one I know. Your confidence in me makes me strive to be a better wife and mother. You're my best friend and I am honored to see what tomorrow brings....with you.


Jacquelyn Ray said...

Happy birthday to Shep! And we will continue to pray for his mother. love you

Steph said...

Please wish Shep a very happy birthday for me! Keeping his mom in my prayers!

Love you,

marjorieellen said...

Wishing Shep a Happy and Blessed Birthday!!! Praying for God to reveal the cause of the high fever and direct the Dr. with the correct diagnosis. God hears and answers our prayers.
love, always