Thursday, February 5, 2009


If you are checking this blog, then you notice that I have changed the opening song on my playlist (my dad was getting tired of the old offense to Mercy Me).

I have noticed this week that as I have been intentional about getting up early (not that I love jumping out of bed at 5:30) and spending those sweet moments on the floor in my bathroom praying that God has been intentional with me as well.

On Tuesday...the day of my last blog (BIG DAY for me) my left hand began to throb with arthritic pain. For those of you who don't know me or haven't read the beginning story, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis at 25 years old. I keep it under control with medicine and it is much better than it used to be. But, for whatever reason, (probably the devil) it will flare up on me. This was the case on Tuesday... to move my hand at all..was instant, sharp, cutting pain. I am determined to get through my day b/c I have 3 kids and things to do...but I was yelling out in pain for most of the day. (sweet Ava would just pet me) As I was driving I just asked the Lord to help take the pain away and I thanked him for helping me in spite of the pain. O.K. so this never happens to me this way.................................................................but my left hand began to tingle and 90% of the pain was gone. There was some lingering pain, but nothing like it had been for most of the day.

Also, Shep and I got to watch Caroline perform sign language with us in a series of yes/no questions. She is left-handed and when you ask her a question with a "yes" answer she will ball up that fist and slowly bend at the wrist up and down. If you ask her a "no" (this one is harder for her b/c it requires fine motor skills using her fingers too) she will look over at her hand, almost like she is telling it what to do, and open her fingers and bring them together. For me and Shep, it might as well have been a million dollars. Such a sweet moment to get to interact and communicate with her.

So, as I spoke to my Jesus this morning (and He was faithful to wake me at 5:30...he just couldn't wait to see me and my morning hair) I thanked Him for all of this. I prayed for my specific and designated needs and then in closing I said "please keep talking to me and encouraging me".

It didn't take long. At Bible study this morning the video was all about "What to do when God calls us to a righteous waiting period. HELLO...ding! ding! ding! This is me...I am awake and at full attention. She said I have 6 things to tell you to do when God has called you to a holy and righteous waiting period.

1. STAY with God.....isn't it easy to want to check out???
2. Entrust to Him what it is that you want Him to do........
3. Trust Him to keep that thing safe until your waiting is over........
4. That you would BECOME a woman who is READY.....
5. Become and REMAIN a woman of prayer........
6. After you have done all of this......STAND

I am staying with God as I believe HIM for Caroline's healing.
I am entrusting Caroline to him
I am trusting him to taking care of Caroline and all that it entails until she is healed
I am becoming a woman who will be ready when she is healed (I am sure He has something for me to do)
I am becoming a woman of prayer
I am STANDING!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hello my "PLG". I just read your blog for today and was greatly encouraged myself and proud of you. Yes my darling you will stand and I will stand with you all the way through it all until Jesus comes or takes us home.


Mandy said...

My friend gave me your blog address because she was thinking of me and my waiting on the unknown. Your post is very true and encouraging. You are right that it is easy to want to just check out while we are waiting, when we should be clinging to God through it.
great post!