Friday, February 27, 2009

A New Day

Thank you Jesus it is a new day. I don't know when I have cried as much as I did was like a dam was released.

The wound of June 11, 2002 was relived yesterday. I don't know if you know people who deal with events that changed their lives forever. Someone dying, a diagnosis, paralysis, divorce, a car wreck, miscarriages, the list goes on......

We go on. We live life. We learn new ways of coping and managing things. But, we are never the same. It is almost like that date on the calendar split time from BEFORE and AFTER. Not to be a pessimist, we can also become better vessels for our Lord to work through. We can become more transparent and compassionate in ways that may have been impossible before THAT DAY.

Anyway, yesterday for me was refreshing and a little scary. I needed to be that honest before my Lord and He knew I needed that too. The scary part was just how fine the line really is between walking in victory and listening to lies.

Yesterday I fell down.
Today I got up.

Yesterday I lost the battle.
Today I got back into the war.

Yesterday I believed my enemy.
Today I believed TRUTH.

Yesterday I took a few hits.
Today I walked with my head held high.

Only Jesus can do this. Only He can give us new "todays". He had a million new mercies waiting on me today. Give me strength to do it again tomorrow....

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