Sunday, February 22, 2009

Up in the night

The last two nights have been unusual for me. I have woken up around 3:30ish both nights. I spend the next few hours tossing, turning, praying, asking, confiding, and wondering. It is weird b/c I will have thoughts come to me that don't seem like my thoughts...nothing bad or anything...just almost like conversation format. Is this what communing with the Holy Spirit is like?? I will be thinking of things (questions) in my head and it is almost like Someone will answer my thoughts with His thoughts or even ask me questions.

Example: I woke up early Saturday a.m. (3:30) and immediately began listening for footsteps. I was straining to hear what might be Caroline walking in our house. This might sound crazy for you but it is fairly common for me...after all I really DO BELIEVE that God is going to heal her...completely heal her. So, this could happen in the middle of the night, right???

So anyway, I wake up listening intently. Then I start thinking about different scriptures that come to my particular...Ps. 63 where it says "on my bed I remember you, I think of you through the watches of the night". Is this what I am doing??? I try to! I really do try to turn my thoughts upon my Lord. I begin praying for things that come to my mind...friends, family, and situations that need prayer. Meanwhile, as if reading my mind, a question will come to me---"Do you remember what happened in your dream about Caroline's healing?"

O.K. that is NOT what I was thinking where did that come from??

Then more will just keep coming...questions that I have to answer that encourage me to continue believing Him for her healing.

Maybe tonight I will get a full night of sleep, or maybe not. The God of the Universe may want to have a conference with me at 3:30ish...who am I to say no???

I pray that my knowledge and understanding of this person, the Holy Spirit, will grow and develop and take me to a fuller love and appreciation of this gift and seal that God sent to live within me.

Also...pray for an end to kid germy illnesses in my home. Currently we are battling an ear infection, recurring cold sores, and a virus with a vicious fever. Yes, all three of them are dealing with something...poor things.

Good night...sleep well!

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