Friday, March 27, 2009

One-of-a-kind man

I just wanted to dedicate this entire post to my main Shep.

He hasn't bought me anything....or done anything particularly this post isn't about bragging on him for material things.

However, he still should be bragged on....a lot.

We have been married almost 11 years. They have been wonderful, fun, exciting, unexpected, sometimes tragic, and completely beyond all I could have ever wanted when I was wishing for my prince at age 5.

Shep is a complete gentleman. Still opens doors....when I leave the table at a restaurant, he will stand and then do it again when I sit back down...he protects me from having to hear things that maybe a woman shouldn't hear. You know, these are the things men USED to do.

Anyway, I hear so many women knock their men with their words....I am not saying that I haven't done this on occasion...but NEVER have I slandered HIS character. Many women do. I have the utmost respect for him. I live with him. I know him. He is the same jolly, joyful, spontaneous, grateful man whether he is at home, church, or work.

Ask his friends they will tell you the same thing.

Also, that brings up another good point: his friends. They are my friends too as well as their wives. I must tell you that being surrounded by good, no GREAT marriages in our friends help us so much. Our friends love each other in ways that are not common in 2009. We do it old school.

We women submit.
We accept the weaker role.

Before anyone balks...let me say it is a joy. I think my friends would agree. My husband and theirs make it easy. They truly lead by being servants. What could be better?

Back to his friends...great men. They pray for him, support him, listen to him, counsel him, and always, always, always point him back to Jesus.

O.k. I have got to go start my day.....but as one of my favorite old songs says:

"Let's hear it for the boys, let's hear it for my man...."

****In case you are reading this thinking that I am going to get bonus points from my man....think again....he never reads my blog.

Also, we are a normal couple. It isn't all blissful and sweet. We are real...we argue...we have our times as all couples do. But---still I am crazy about him.

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